Kunst, die Zukunft gestalten will

Reportage about Training for the Future

11 OCT 2019 A feature by Susanne Luerweg

in German language


Over the course of three days, artists, theater makers, and anyone with an appetite for activism and theater will get ready for the future. There will be dancing and discussion together. About patriarchy, climate justice and collaborative leadership systems. True to the motto “Doing instead of talking”, artist Jonas Staal and theater maker Florian Malzacher want to encourage people to actively shape the future.

Can this achieve anything, or does this action remain mere shell and lip service, especially in the context of a theater festival? And where does the line between art and political activism run? “Mikrokosmos” reporter Susanne Luerweg gets to the bottom of these questions and takes part in the training for the future as part of the performance.

Deutschlandfunk: Hörspiel und Feature