Anyone who wants to learn about the history of the historic German youth movement will encounter an unmanageable number of reference books, scholarly treatises, thick-bodied documentaries and volumes of memoirs. Fortunately, there is Jugendbewegung für Anfänger (Youth Movement for Beginners), which is available in a second, revised and supplemented edition. Florian Malzacher (text) and Matthias Daenschel (drawings) take the reader in a highly stimulating way on a search for the origins, developmental steps, forms of progression, but also peculiarities of everything that was and is to be found under the umbrella term “youth movement” in the past more than one hundred years. A trenchant, highly readable introduction that, thirty years after its publication, has long since become a classic and still the bestseller on the subject.
Jugendbewegung für Anfänger (Youth Movement for Beginners)

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Verlag der Jugendbewegung