Come together now: Theatre as arena for struggle and agreement


24 Sep 2021 Taoyuan Iron Rose Festival & the Goethe Institute in Taiwan (online)

While recent months have told us an intense lesson on how to gather in the virtual world, theatre as well as democracy depends also on physical encounters, on assembled bodies, on shared space and time to discuss, struggle, demand, agree and disagree. Theatre – as the art of assembly per se – can offer agonistic arenas to act out differences and to create common ground. Florian Malzacher gives an insight into own current curatorial projects such as Training for the Future (together with Jonas Staal) as well as into many other assemblies on the thin line between art, activism and politics.


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Florian Malzacher »Come together now: Theatre as arena for struggle and agreement«

24 Sep 2021
Taoyuan Iron Rose Festival & the Goethe Institute in Taiwan

A film by Lukas Ishar