Imagining Common Institutions and Commoning them Now

A lecture by Florian Malzacher & Nora Sternfeld

17 FEB 2021 Kaaitheater Brussels (online)

Florian Malzacher and Nora Sternfeld ask you to become curators and to take decisions during this lecture. Curators today are mostly functionaries of a neoliberal cultural field, they are facilitators, managers, organisers – but they are also activists, educators, critical researchers and artistic collaborators.

The question is now what to do with this function in a moment of conflict. Should we – as curators – use it to emphasize struggles, to silence them, or for something else? And if we are placed at the intersection of reproducing power on the one hand and reclaiming radical change on the other, on which side are we on?


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Imagining Common Institutions and Commoning them Now. A lecture by Florian Malzacher & Nora Sternfeld

17 Feb 2021
Kaaitheater Brussels