Gemeinschaftstheorie (Community Theory)

Open salon, fixed topics, uncertain outcome
Honsellbrücke, TAT/Bockenheimer Depot, Museum für Angewandte Kunst (MAK) - Frankfurt/Main

A project by Unfriendly Takeover

in German language

Unfriendly Takeover invites experts, specialists, professionals, aficionados and anyone who feels like it to a big table for wine and conversation.


27 JUL 2003, 19.00 – Honsellbrücke, Frankfurt
A joint project with deufert&plischke
Anna Kohlhaupt presents never realized advertising. Johannes Franzen brings his self produced wine, whose fermentation has not been stopped artificially. Klaus Walter offers unfinished music. Anke Zechner and Serjoscha Wiemer declare their “consent to unfinished repetition”. Kathrin Brinkmann shows the layout of a film that could never be realized. Kattrin Deufert & Thomas Plischke are against “work in progress” and all other guests contribute unfinished works of all kinds.


3 AUG 2003, 20.00 – Honsellbrücke, Frankfurt
A joint project with deufert&plischke
Ingrid Metz-Neun is the German voice of Marilyn Monroe and the Frankfurt subway. René Zechlin (Frankfurter Kunstverein) talks about voices in art. Patrick Primavesi (theater scientist) reflects on the voice ins works by Schleef and Pollesch. A few people come with radio plays and pieces, Tine Kopf & Bernie Schreiner pick out a few suitable films, Unfriendly Takeover is still searching for a Common hill myna, a BKA phonetician, a digital voice synthesizer, the voice of reason and a Callas lover. And everyone else present joins in.

Pretense of false facts

10 AUG 2003, 20.00 – Honsellbrücke, Frankfurt
Host: Stefan Kaegi (Rimini-Protokoll, Hygiene Today)
With: Brigitta Mensdorf (court journalist), Antje (police officer and 100-time witness), Rudi Grimm (long-time lay judge at Darmstadt Regional Court), Reiner Eggert (retired lawyer). Vayos Karavas (PhD student in internet law) brings a law book, Mateusz Borowsky moderates Polish music of the 80s and Kaegi gives details about the Leuna files, anecdotes about fake murderers and the real Günter Wallraf trial.


17 AUG 2003, 20.00 – Honsellbrücke, Frankfurt
A joint project with deufert&plischke
Ethnologist Eva Raabe (Museum of World Cultures) talks about cannibalism in religious and cultural contexts. Tobias Brenk listens to Alfred Biolek smacking his lips in his radio play Appetito. Susanne Pfeffer talks about cooking & art. Thomas Orban reports on Frankfurt beer and sausage wars. Bernie Schreiner brings cookbooks, Sebastian Stöhrer himself. And Thomas Marcowic takes care of the physical well-being. Everyone is invited to contribute (and if someone reveals the secret of the only true green sauce – so much the better).

Unreadymade II

24 AUG 2003, 20.00 – Honsellbrücke, Frankfurt
Stefanie Wenner (Diskursive Poliklinik, Berlin) interprets the phantasm of infinity. Oliver Augst starts the folk song machine. Johannes Franzen pixels himself into the incessant. Kattrin Deufert brings John Cage with her. N.N. rushes into space (Space’ the final frontier).

Too late

26 FEB 2004, 21.00 – TAT, Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt
Dieter Kramer (Head Custodian Museum of World Cultures) talks about time and time sovereignty; Mona Suhrbier (Custodian for South America, Museum of World Cultures) knows that in indigenous cultures nobody has to be late. Thomas Maagh (Verlag der Autoren) knows about being late in theater and tells about missed dialogues and dramatic/dramaturgical structures of “too late”. Louise Neri (Curator and Artistic Director TAT) and Christine Peters (Theater der Welt, former Artistic Director Mousonturm) believe in the decline of art and aesthetics. Klaus Walter (DJ, radio host) brings music. Sevo Stille (Radio X, field) did it all ten years ago, and Christian Schröder (artist and architect) beiβen the dogs. Probably. It is also possible that everything will be completely different.

Errors and error analysis

04 MAR 2004, 21.00 – TAT, Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt
Rafael Haack (Engineer. for mechanical engineering, expert at DEKrA) reports about the test engineer between safety and auto death. Justin Salisbury (computer linguist and web programmer) brings the 5 golden rules of debugging systems. Klaus Walter presents and talks about music created from mistakes, oversights and errors. Michael Breker (ACM Siggraph Chapter Leader and cineaste) on camera errors and continuity. Petra Leutner talks about literary positions on mistakes, and Andreas Kallfelz (Thing) considers what else …

Auratic Things

18 Mar 2004, 21.00 – TAT, Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt
The Indian Raqs Media Collective deals with those things that refugees never leave behind, Mona Suhrbier (Custodian for South America, Museum der Weltkulturen) talks about processes that turn objects into fellow beings. Josef Franz Thiel (ethnologist of religion) talks about the sacred power in objects. Thomas Orban contributes auratic things from his immense fund.

Hold on: Documentaries

2 APR 2004, 21.00 – TAT, Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt
Matthias Altenburg (writer) leads and reads diaries. Claus Richter documents “Examples of Extreme Enthusiasm IV”, a prop reconstruction of science fiction film fans. Kathrin Brinkmann (Arte editor) uses a short film by John Smith to show how documentation becomes fiction, Eckart Voigts-Virchow explores how TV documentaries fake history, Noah Holtwiesche thinks aloud about performance art and its documentations, and Rebecca Groves (dramaturge Ballett Frankfurt) confronts the difficulties of preserving choreographies for posterity.


29 APR 2004, 21.00 – TAT, Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt
Martin Wilhelm sees a changed quality of urban emptiness. Gerald Hintze reads Henri Lefebvre. Susanne Traub likes the emptiness in theater and dance. Ernst Albrecht Stiebler describes music as frozen architecture and seeks emptiness in musical spaces.

Second League

16 MAY 2004, 21.00 – TAT, Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt
Michael Gabriel (Koordinationsstelle Fanprojekte, Eintracht fan & author of a book about the trauma of Rostock ’92) doesn’t like Burghausen. Ansgar Warner (taz-Berlin columnist, doing his doctorate voluntarily in Giessen) is “in the middle of Hesse surrounded by middle Hesse” and ponders about province as 2nd league. As well as other contributions to friend and sorrow of the second league.

50 years TAT in memory snippets

29 MAY 2004, 20.30 – TAT, Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt
After fifty years, the TAT is finally abolished. Handke’s Offending the Audience, Beuys’ mold, Fassbinder’s scandals, grueling co-determination, Cage’s 70th birthday. On the penultimate evening of the TAT, we want to look back on all this and much more – everyone is invited to bring along the memory of an evening, an experience, an event, a nuisance at the TAT – whether a maker, an audience member or someone else involved.
With Elli Lindner (TAT box office from 1985 to 1991), Karlheinz Braun (Suhrkamp theater editor in Offending the Audience times and Experimenta initiator), Ulrike Schiedermair (former TAT-director), Walter Flamme (actor in times of co-determination), Ernstalbrecht Stiebler (musicologist and Cage-friend), Rainer Römer & Hermann Kretzschmar (Ensemble Modern), Johanna Milz (ex-assistant director with Kühnel/Schuster and still press spokeswoman of the TAT), Günther Rühle (ex-FAZ-feuilleton-chief and ex-Intendant) and many others.


20 OCT 2004, 19.00 – Museum of Applied Arts, Frankfurt
Gerald Siegmund (theater scholar) discusses naked dancers. Hans-Jürgen Döpp praises his renowned collection of erotica. The lawyer Uwe Säuberlich from the law firm TaylorWessing explains the offense of causing public nuisance.


24 NOV 2004, 19.00 – Museum for Applied Arts, Frankfurt
Eva Raabe (Museum für Weltkulturen) explains the ethnological transition from naked to non-naked; Gerald Hintze (Weser5) quotes Roland Barthes and reflects on striptease; Michael Wagener (artist, gutleut verlag) talks together with Meike Behm (art historian) about his project mobile fashion; Philiz Phillip and Svetlana Kapitonova (Museum für angewandte Kunst) report on intercultural fashion aspects.