
Performative Conference
29-30 APR 2022
Theater Rampe, Stuttgart

With Ulf Aminde & Krishan Rajapakshe / *foundationClass, bond_ASAP, Claire Cunningham, deufert&plischke, Extinction Rebellion Stuttgart, Isabelle Fremeaux & Jay Jordan / ZAD, Ant Hampton, Hospiz Stuttgart, Handan Kaymak, Mammalian Diving Reflex, Luise Meier, Jamira Muniz / Espaço Cultural Alagados, Boglárka Pap, Schwabinggrad Ballett & Arrivati, Dirk Sorge / Berlinklusion, Felizitas Stilleke, Sarah Waterfeld / Staub zu Glitzer et al.

Curated by Herbordt/Mohren und Florian Malzacher

How do we want to live – and work – together? With whom, in what contexts? How permeable are the walls of our rehearsal and performance spaces? Which organisations do we create, in which institutions do we join together? And: who is “we”?

Gemeinschaftsgärten (community gardens) took a look – with field trips, talks and working groups – at collaborative, collegial and collective ways of working and organising – in the arts and beyond.

The two-day conference began in a decentralised way. Five excursions led into the neighbourhood to different places in Stuttgart: What everyday practices and competences of community and society building exist from which art can benefit and to which it can perhaps also contribute? The second day broadened the view with reports from various guests on radical approaches: How can cultural organisations, institutions, hierarchies and quality criteria not only be thought of differently, but concretely realised differently? In which and for which neighbourhoods is work done in the independent performing arts and which institutions and forms of organisation would best support this form of artistic work?

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Photo: Dominique Brewing

Production: Lisa Beck
Collaboration: Silinee Damsa-Ard
SET Design: Leonie Mohr und Hannes Hartmann
Cook: Marcus Bergmann
Children Program: Tina Pantisano, Irina Schatton
language interpreter:Tanja Lilienblum-Steck
Photos: Dominique Brewing
Video documentation: Yannik Michael

A Project by Landesverbandes Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. in cooperation with Theater Rampe. supported by the ministry for Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg.


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Documentation Gemeinschaftsgärten
Video: Yannik Michael

Schwabinggrad & Arrivati @ Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Luise Meier @ Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Luise Meier @ Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Exkursionen @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Ulf Aminde & Krishan Rajapakshe / *foundationClass @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Herbordt/Mohren & Florian Malzacher @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Sarah Waterfeld / Staub zu Glitzer @  Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Felizitas Stillecke @ Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

deufert&plischke @ Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Foto: Dominique Brewing

Gemeinschaftsgärten / Photo: Dominique Brewing